Taken one of our Power BI or Power Pivot-related classes?  I'd like to hear from you!

Hi folks, I’d like to ask a quick favor.  I’m working on something new and could REALLY use some quick input from the amazing people we’ve met over the years in our Power BI and Power Pivot classes.

I know I personally have met MANY fabulous people over the years while teaching, and the hallway conversations ALONE have been worth it.  Seriously.

This mini-project I’m working on lately would be greatly improved if I could hear from some of you.  I’m interested in hearing from you regardless of whether we spoke privately or not during the class days (or whether I was even THERE when you took the class).

Since I know your time is super valuable, I’ll make this super simple and lightweight.  It’s just one question really – plus if you’re game, I might personally email you for some light back and forth followup.

Here’s the entire “survey,” if you even want to call it that:

Feedback on our Power BI Family of Classes

Click the Image to Tell Me What You Think Smile

And, of course, anyone I correspond with will get to know what the project in question is all about Smile
